FRUOnline Login

Please login to your FRUonline account below to manage your training days, tests, office inductions and to see available cases.

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Changes to booking process - PLEASE READ FULLY
Please read fully to ensure you understand the temporary booking process.  Failure to follow the instructions may result in you not securing your place on the training.

We are experiencing difficulties with our payment system.  We therefore cannot use our usual online payment method and need to change the way in which you book and pay for your place on the training.

If you have been given a booking code previously by FRU, then please use that code.  You can’t request those codes, they are generated for specific reasons.

If you have not previously been given a booking code, then please use the codes below in order to see availability for the training courses.

  • Employment - EPAYbyBACS (booking opens Monday 29th April)
  • Social Security - SPAYbyBACS (booking opens Tuesday 7th May)

NOTE that the codes are case sensitive and should be entered accurately.

BOOKING INSTRUCTIONS - Please follow carefully

Once booking for the training course is open:

  1. Please login if you already have an account or register if you are new to FRU.
  2. Enter the booking code above, or the one you were previously given, to find the training course you wish to book. 
  3. You will be taken through the screens to enter or check your personal details.  Please follow these screens through, entering all of your information.
  4. Note that the booking system will tell you that the course is free. For anyone who is using the codes above that is not correct but is a system workaround. You will still need to pay £60 per course in order to attend the training course. You will pay this to our bank account through BACS.
  5. Once you have completed the booking process, you will receive a booking confirmation email.  This does not guarantee your place at this stage if you still need to make the payment of £60.
  6. You MUST make payment by BACS once you have completed your booking.  Payment must be made by 5pm on the day of booking.
  7. BACS Payments should be made in Unity Bank PLC to Free Representation Unit; Sort Code: 60-83-01; Account Number: 20170703
  8. Please use your volunteer number as your payment reference so we can link it up and confirm your booking.  Without this reference number we will not be able to tell who has made the payment.
  9. Please DO NOT send us payment if you have not booked a place or received the booking confirmation email. 
  10. Only when you receive an email from the FRU administrator confirming that your payment has been allocated is your place on the training secured.
  11. This temporary booking process will require much more manual intervention from our administrator.  This will take longer for us to verify all the payments so please bear with us while we manually deal with this process.  Confirmation might take up to 48 hours.

If you experience difficulties, please email