Thank you to our Virgin London Marathon Runners 2014

A big thank you to our 5 marathon runners who together raised over £5,500 for FRU.

Running 26.2 miles in the blistering heat is no mean feat – walking half that distance is a big deal in FRU’s book – so we are deeply impressed by our runners’ achievement.   And while it’s not about the winning, but the taking part, particular congratulations are due to Ben Cooper who broke the 4 hour mark and completed the race in a very speedy 3 hours and 47 minutes (and a few seconds).  

A big thank you also, to all who supported and encouraged our runners.  All donations meant a great deal to the runners, and to us.

Sean Jones QC

First Up: Sean Jones QC of 11KBW (Completed in 4hr 58min 52sec)

A trustee of FRU, this is Sean’s 10th Marathon, and in his own words “What has got me out onto the streets again is FRU. At a time when access to representation and, therefore, access to justice is getting harder, the Unit helps those who most need it whilst helping to train the professional advocates of the future.”

Second Up: Adam Ohringer of Cloisters Chambers (Completed in 4hr 31min 28sec)

In the the words of Michael Reed “Adam is an ex-FRU volunteer, current barrister and all around good egg.” Adam says that he is running for FRU because “If FRU wasn't there, countless of individuals would be going to court on their own without advice, representation or even some help to carry the files.  Think of that as the legal equivalent of removing your own appendix.  It can be done but.....”


Third Up: Michael Reed of FRU (Completed in 5hr 21 min 45sec)

FRU’s trusted Employment law Principal Legal Officer, this will be Michael’s 5th or 6th or possibly 7th marathon for FRU...


Fourth Up: Elizabeth Forrester of Birnberg Peirce & Partners (Completed in 4hr 45min 27sec)

According to Elizabeth: "I worked at FRU for a year as assistant legal officer from 20011-2012 and volunteered before and since then. While I was there I was talked into doing the marathon by a trusted principal legal officer (employment) who will remain nameless and it was so much fun that I did it again last year. This year will make it a hatrick- and any encouragement in the form of donations or cheering are very welcome."

Please support them with your words of encouragement and any donation you can give!

Last Up: Ben Cooper of Old Square Chambers (Completed in 3hr 47min 45sec)